Breaking Point

Last Saturday
Holding the dead puppy in my hands released all the emotions that had been building up for two and a half weeks and it all came crashing down on me:
I had not slept well since the cyclone and I was exhausted.
Stress and mental trauma from the cyclone and the ensuing flooding.
A wet house because of leaks. The bathroom walls started to mold.
Confrontation with a worker who was making his 11 year old niece do all his physical work that I was paying him to do.
Then, no water in my house. My cistern was completely dry.
To name just a few of the problems and stressors I was facing.
And now my dog had puppies and one of them was already dead.
I started crying.
I fled to my bedroom, hugged my knees tightly, and just wept, repeating over and over what I hadn't been able to admit for two and a half weeks: "I'm not okay, I'm not okay."
I knew I needed to talk to someone.
I tried calling my leaders wife. No answer.
I tried calling my teammate, Ana. No answer.
I messaged another missionary in town. No answer
I tried calling my mom. No answer.
I messaged a mentor in South Africa. No answer.
I called my dad. He answered!
Once I finally found my voice, everything spilled out, and miraculously he listened! (my dad who is not a great listener, especially to emotional things).

Ana had been trying to tell me I needed a break. She could tell I was exhausted, that I wasn't okay, but I wouldn't listen. No, I was fine, it would be okay, I would get over it, it would be fine.
Image result for breaking point
I was practically ordered by my dad and Ana to go to a hotel to escape the problems of my house and be able to relax and sleep.
I still didn't want to, but I knew I needed to do something. 
I didn't realize until the second day at the hotel just how bad I had been. I had taxed my mind to the limit and I had reached a breaking point mentally, physically, and emotionally.
One thing I discovered, quite happily. Spiritually I was okay! God had been with me through it all.

Now I am back in my house, with water in the cistern, and am feeling recovered but still taking it easy as my mind is still fragile and I had a chance to talk to a counselor yesterday.


  1. Dear Rachel,

    Just wanted you to know that I got your prayer letter last week and prayed for you. Maybe you listening to your dad and going to the hotel was an answer to my prayer. I am not sure but I am praising God for you and His help as you were at the breaking point.

    Also, I am so glad that you have this blog. It will help me as I continue to pray for you.

    Love in our Lord Jesus,

    Marilyn Fox

  2. I'm thankful the mission sent a counsellor to check in with everyone on the team and you had a chance to touch base with her. :)

  3. Oh Rachel! Im sure all of that was overwhelming! So thankful you are doing better. We will be praying for peace and strength.


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