
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Blessing of Fellowship (Akekho Ofana no Jesu)

Given Last Sunday a young lady walked into church and did not seem to know anyone so I walked over to talk with her and make her feel welcome.  She had walked over from a nearby college where she is surrounded by non-believers who often do not understand her morals and choices. My mom invited her over to our house for the afternoon. We fellowshipped around delicious food, Dutch Blitz, Settlers of Catan, and making butterfinger bars because she loves to bake.  As I drove her back to her college she thanked me again, but this time saying  "... you're so different from the students I'm around every day." She said this with emotion and yearning. It echoed in my mind as I drove home. Sometimes I take for granted the fellowship I have at my church but it  was a joy to extend that fellowship to her last week. Received Monday night I was sharing my missions presentation with a small, home group arranged by a friend of mine. But I was not expecting to sing Akekho Ofan

Harambee (part 2)

The Harambee was great fun last Sunday afternoon.  Kezia's and mine display tables... hot climate vs. cold climate A fun competition for the kids, if the boys raised a certain amount they could pie Kezia, if the girls raised a certain amount I got pied... we both got pied in the face... Kezia and I sharing our missions info and prayer requests A HUGE thank you for everyone who came and gave so generously towards our individual outgoing expenses. Thank you also to the missions committee and other volunteers who helped plan and prepare for such a great afternoon. I am now over 60% of both monthly and outgoing needs, getting me that much closer to my goal of being able to leave January 8 .  And that much closer to reaching the Mwani people with the Gospel.

Harambee (part 1)

Tomorrow, my home church is hosting an exciting Harambee (harahm-bay) FUN-draiser for myself, and another young lady, Kezia, both heading into full-time mission work. Kezia will be going up to the Hudson Bay area of Canada to a First Nations tribe where there are very few Christians. The missions committee had fun decorating the building today to look like the respective locations with maps, images, and facts as well as pictures of the specific set-up items we will both need to buy upon arrival that people can specifically donate towards. (a sneak peak of part of my section) There will be a flavorful lunch provided and a few specialty items to taste  from each of the two regions. Kids and the young-at-heart can play games and all are invited to learn what life is like in those two areas. (a sneak peak of part of Kezia's section) I'm so thankful to be a part of this church family and am extra thankful for how supportive they are as I prepare to move to Mozambique. 

Mwani video

What is it like to be Mwani?  How do they live?  What defines them?  Feel what it is like to live with the Mwani, put yourself in their shoes, see through their eyes. As they say "a picture is worth 1,000 words" so glimpse into the life of the Mwani people with this short video: Mwani video I'm getting ready to send out my next newsletter. If you would like to receive these and are not currently on the list you can message me and I will add you or you can sign-up here through this link:  Newsletter sign-up