Do Something (Missions conference)

"It's not a matter of if you are called, it's a matter of where and how." 
J.D. Greear

Pray, Send, Welcome, Go, Mobilize. Each session had a focus word to explain the various ways Christians can Do Something in missions. Each is a way that you could be involved in missions. Not everyone goes into career missions across the ocean, but everyone can make someone visiting from another culture feel welcome. How can you be involved in missions?

Greear was the key speaker at the Word of Life Missions Conference and delivered two powerful messages towards Christian missions. Another speaker was from Pakistan and shared his perspective on the real threat of the Spirit of Islam but the need to still love our muslim neighbors (Luke 10:25-37). 

Prior to the start of missions conference 73 Cross Cultural Interns were in training. A few were graduating from their two years abroad, my class is going back for our 2nd year, and the rest are preparing to go out for their 1st year. The training covered cultural adjustment, security, communication and conflict management, stories, and more. We all represent countries literally around the world (Mozambique, Japan, Hungary, Bolivia, Guatemala, Canada, Philippines, France, Uganda, Brazil, Mexico, and many more). It was great to share stories with each other of what God has been doing and encourage those who do not know what to expect in the coming year. 

My extended week in New York was filled with sweet fellowship, valuable information, and spiritual strengthening. I am looking forward to the year ahead, however God has chosen to give me an unexpected bonus time at home. I will be flying back to Mozambique around February 9, about two weeks later than originally planned for various reasons. Please pray that I will make the best use of my time at home. 

73 CCI interns (I'm near the bottom left, can you find me?)


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