Engraft: from the inside out

I love my three roommates, we've been having a great time and our room looks so homey! We've finished four weeks of classes so far: Genesis 12-50, Cults 1 & 2, 2 Corinthians, Apologetics, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, and Bible Study Methods. My ministry for this year will be to help out at a church every Saturday/Sunday, starting next week.

The Word of Life Quiet Time booklet that I am currently using has two questions: "What is the writer saying?" and "How can I apply this to my life?" The other day I told one of my roommates that I feel like last year my learning was focused more on the first question "What is The Author saying, what do I believe about the Bible, who is God to me? This is a very important foundation, but I have learned recently that I cannot stop there. I must go from there and ask the next question: How can I apply this to my life? God has been specifically pointing out areas of my life that He wants me to work on this year. My relationships towards all people, my intercessory prayer life, and showing Him (and others) through my actions that I am relying on His strength alone are the three main areas He's pointed out recently and asked me to start working on.

I absolutely loved Chancellor's Chapel last week, here are some of my notes on it...
WDJD? - What did Jesus do?

Jesus prepared for life by...
     1. Praying every single day (early morning, late evening, or throughout the day).
     2. Being full of, led by, and doing ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit.
     3. Having an understanding of the Bible. He was able to wield it's power at a moments notice because He took the time to memorize it, and was able to apply it's truth to every day situations.
     4. Submission to His Heavenly Father (Mark 14:36).

"He [Jesus] lived out His life under the actual and real limitations intrinsic to unfallen humanity," Bookman. 

Jesus left us an example that we need to follow, and we are fully capable of doing all four things listed above in His strength. It's simple, but it's not always easy.


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