RA training week

RA training at Word of Life Bible Institute has been amazing so far! We've had classes on things like philosophy of student life, discipleship, leadership, Biblical confrontation, question and answer time, and hearing the staff's testimonies of what the Lord has done in their lives. All of it has been good, instructive, uplifting, and focused on the Lord and even if one was not to get picked for an RA position it's still practical to many different areas of life. Some of it were lessons I learned over the summer as a counselor, but it never hurts to hear it again. Here are some of the quotes that stuck out to me. 

"People will be transparent to the point that you are transparent with them." Especially true for a leadership position. Transparency doesn't come naturally to any of us, but it's important when you want to be a spiritual mentor for someone!

"Live what you say you believe." We all know what we believe, and often say it to other people, but I know I have been guilty of saying I believed something (and fully believing it), but when God asked me to examine my life (actions), they didn't always completely match up.

"Why disciple? Because it will cause you to grow spiritually!" (among other reasons.) I read an example of this in a book I looked at during first year. If you, as a Christian, don't do any kind of discipleship/spiritual mentoring, then you can become like the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is getting poured into, but without an outlet it becomes dead and non-supportive of life. It's great to be pouring into yourself by reading the Word, going to church, doing Bible studies, and praying, but without an outlet of that knowledge and wisdom your faith slowly starts to become dead and non-supportive of life. But by discipling/spiritually mentoring someone you have an outlet that create an endless cycle of life. You relearn the truths for yourself, ingraining them deeper into your heart and have the joy of seeing others encouraged and growing in their faith because of your ministry in their life.

Those are just some of the highlights of my week. All today the leadership staff had meetings to decide who will receive the RA positions. A group of us met to pray for them this morning because that is a tough decision to look at 140 capable young men and women and have to turn down 40-50 of them. Tomorrow afternoon they will post their decisions and we will all move into our permanent rooms for the rest of the year.
I will post on Facebook tomorrow evening whether I got an RA position. I'm leaving it in God's hands. He knows best where He wants to use me and teach me.

Here's a picture of one of the amazing views I get to see while living in upstate New York! :)


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