The Inside Scoop
How to write down something I don't fully grasp myself? How to explain something to others that's so hard to explain? Well, I'll give it a try. In Nampula last year, I wrote in my prayer journal, "[God] I want to follow You, wherever You would lead me. If it means back to the U.S., I will go. If it means to harder times, give me the strength to stand it... I want to live in Your will..." I've never desired to live in the United States. Maybe because I've spent almost half my life in Africa. I was born and raised in Kenya, interned in South Africa, and worked full-time as a missionary in Mozambique. Why would I want to live in the U.S.? It gets cold. It's harder to live a consistent Christian life. So in July, when I sensed God asking me to stay in the U.S., I balked at the idea. I loved Mozambique, loved all the people I'd gotten to know there, loved the work I got to do, loved my teammates. Why would I leave all that? What would I do in the U.S.? ...