
Showing posts from December, 2020

My Joy Pendulum

My internal pendulum swung back and forth. The peaceful rhythm brought a smile to my face. I felt great, back to my old self, with none of the negative symptoms from earlier this year. Then I woke up on Tuesday; life had thrown me a curveball. It knocked me off balance. I couldn't write my newsletter for fear that an upcoming decision would void everything. I waited for events to unfold. I needed to do something joy-filled to counterbalance the curveball and keep the pendulum swinging. I placed the curveball in God's hand and focused on editing my children's chapter book.  A harrier hawk carried me off to the African savanna where I followed the journey of a bushbaby. My characters' personalities came to life before my eyes. Scenes turned 3-D and a terrible mistake about a kingfisher's diet got fixed. Writing restored my joy pendulum.  Pendulum Clock Finding Joy to counterbalance hardships and keeping the pendulum swinging is one of the assignments from the retreat