Children's Songs

Yesterday I went to visit Mama N again (from last weeks blog) and she asked me if I saw her two older girls at our kids program last week. To be honest, there were so many kids in our yard last Saturday that it was hard to keep track of who was there. But praise God those sweet girls had indeed been there and had gone home to tell their mom everything they had learned, especially the music we had sung. The girls came over while Mama N and I talked and, grinning at me, they started singing one of the songs all on their own, a week after we had taught it to them. I joyfully joined in, gently reminding them of one or two parts they had missed. Their mother listened happily and then tried to join in the third time around. When we finished she thanked me for teaching her children things they did not know yet. The songs were about God, the Creator and that God is Love. The story we were able to share with all of the children last week was how God created everything both vis...