Community Vibes
I walked into the conference last Friday only knowing one person; I left the conference saying goodbye to part of my new "family." I walked into the home Sunday evening with my only friend in the group; I was convinced to stay the night by my new, little friends who wouldn't let me leave. T hough a tiring, 18 hour trip last weekend, I loved visiting old friends, meeting new ones, and gaining fresh wisdom from a conference I attended: Community Who wants to feel left out or be overlooked? Not me. Oh the desire to belong to a group of people and be identified with them! I have felt this longing over the years, including last weekend, and it connected with my main take-away from the conference: A diverse team (young/old, singles/couples/families, male/female) can meet the needs of people because " people respond better to someone their age and gender ." AIM group at the conference Hospitality Listen in on this story I heard: " How man...