Serving in the Whirlwind
July was a super busy month. We had winter camp, outreach programs, a satellite camp (in another region), and the students helped with a Holidy Bible Club, two youth groups from the U.S. came to help with various projects, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen cooking, and I completed my online studies for my bachelor degree in Chistian Ministries which required a lot of studying and two big exams (1 written 1 oral). Praise the Lord for giving the strength and energy needed to accomplish each task for His honor and glory. Without a breather I went directly into Mozambique on August 1 to help with a camp in Inhambane (a province further north) for two weeks. I had a great time serving the missionaries there, experiencing how they did camp, and God even allowed me to see a few friends I didn't think I would be able to see which was a blessing. I functioned completely in Portuguese, learned a lot about the culture there, was blessed with new friends, and was greatly encoura...